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Prakrithi and Vikrithi Swaras

8:52 AM Posted by Vijayasri

In our ancient Tamil Music, the Saptha Swaras are called as
Sa-Kural, Ri-Uzhai, Ga-Kaikilai, Ma-Thuttham, Pa- Ili, Da-Vilari,

Prakrithi Swaras:
Of the above seven swaras, the first and the fifth swaras( Sa- Pa) are fixed notes.
They are called Prakrithi Swaras.

Vikrithi Swaras:
Remaining five swaras(ri-Ga-Ma-Da-Ni) consits of two varieties lower and higher in other words Komal and Theevra. They are called Vikrithi Swaras.

By the varieties in vikrithi swaras and with the two constant notes in Prakrithi Swaras, we have in all 10+2=12 notes.


  1. Unknown said...

    2ooooo boring and xtrmly short answer. Need more lengthly answers.

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